SEO Strategists

Neha Gupta
6 min readNov 2, 2022

Collaboration is essential in today’s hectic marketing and content environment. For a truly effective experience it is impossible to do everything by ourselves — as individuals. Collaboration is essential and not just an unofficial buzzword. It is essential to have the right people to collaborate at the appropriate times.

Content Creators:

One of the main pillars of the content’s performance we’ve discussed in the Top 100 PR book, “Content Performance Culture,” is having the right individuals in the right positions. SEO strategists and Content Producers are two such segments. In terms of efficiency of the content produced, they are unable to exist without one another however, how can they really cooperate? Let me discuss some of the things I’ve seen while working within the industry.

In the past, authors were included in this group. There are also multimedia content producers who not just write but also explore with other media, for instance, short films. Nowadays, I’d say that everyone who produces information for publication , usually online — falls into this category. Producers, writers, podcasters and more. Video shooters directors, editors as well as editors, directors. Designers and editors are some examples. Anyone who produces content using a handwriting tool is eligible. At the moment I’m a content maker and I’m writing this. Be aware that videos and podcasts are being indexed now too. There are SEO techniques that can be employed too.

SEO Strategist:

In the process of determining the most effective SEO strategy for producing content, SEO strategists are generally more technically savvy. They know which terms to examine in relation to the goal and can create new ones. In the same subject they often check out which competitors are ranking for. The strategist discovered from the beginning of the project that the principal competitor was ranking extremely high for the most popular keyword. Should we follow the advantage? Let’s get them out! This is a straightforward idea. But, this strategist suggested to follow the following keywords. It was discovered that no. 2–5 had a substantial volume of searches and were largely being overlooked.

How SEO Strategists And Content Developers May Collaborate:

If content creators and SEO strategists work together the projects will be more successful. SEO techniques evolve regularly. What works for one person might not be suitable for someone else? Then, bear in mind that the content you create could require months to create organic traffic from search engines.

Material teams are increasingly under pressure to produce content that is not just visually great but also performs. In this regard Content creators should utilize the tools and expertise they have, such as collaboration together with SEO strategists.

I started my career in the print media industry as a reporter for a daily newspaper. At the time there was no research on keywords. We were unaware of it. There’s a story you want to tell that you’ve decided the most appropriate way to present the story — from your perspective. Once you’ve decided, record it in a notebook. Editors will do that. Done. The fact is it was not a term as “content performance” in the past. I’m the first person to admit that the urge to tell whatever we think is a good story is very strong. We’ve been doing it for quite a while. It’s in your DNA. However, there are some major advantages to talking with our SEO consultant before you start.

Are you looking for the subject we’d like to talk about? I’ve come up with a lot of “amazing” ideas that no person was searching for. Think about it this way: there won’t there be no searches every month. There’s a reason why it is that I am trying writing about this. Even if the topic isn’t a subject of daily searches in the past, an strategy can assist us in turning the topic into one that will. Sure that 15% of daily searches haven’t been conducted before. However, creating content in the hopes that somebody might find it later is a risky idea.

For instance, there are no search results on the internet for “marketing emergency,” yet there are many searches for “decrease stress.” Selecting the right phrases can improve the performance of the material even if the subject is similar. A SEO strategist can aid in this. A lot of content writers can conduct an initial keyword search however, SEO strategists go further. In addition the SEO strategist could be looking at the entire strategy of the website. Instead, you should update content that’s already ranking specific search terms. The new content isn’t the only thing that you can be successful.

Some content doesn’t need to be written from scratch. Create a new page , or an entirely new blog post in the event that your website currently has information about Topic A and there is new information. Here’s the way I would approach it:

Take A Look At The Current Page’s Traffic. What Keywords Does it Appear To Be Ranking For? What Are The Chances of Finding New Keywords or Increasing The Exposure of The Ones You Already Have?

I’d recommend placing the majority of the responsibilities to those in the SEO Brisbane strategist team. In the event that an element isn’t performing well, and it’s not ranking for anything, it might be a good idea to remove it completely. It won’t work anyway. We should start at the beginning or recycle portions of it. In fact, the majority of websites I’ve viewed through the years and following many projects, appear to contain an overabundance of non-performing materials. It’s typically like this:

Home runs comprise 5percent of all pages. The proportion of people who are above average is between 5 to 25 percent. The proportions of 15–25 percent are little higher than the average national rate. between 50–70% of students are considered to be underachievers.

When we go through the site and see that 75% of content does not meet performance goals this doesn’t make sense to us as content producers. Ugh. But, this is often the situation. The Next-Play mentality is one of the foundations of the content Performance Philosophy. You should conduct the next game like you’re an athlete in a competition to improve results. Many content producers have a difficult time keeping their material current. Material producers, as their name suggests, create new content. They aren’t always able to create new material by altering existing content. A lot of people would prefer — or , rather, choose to produce new content. This can lead to issues when duplicate content is aimed at the same keywords and result in content diluting on our website.

This strategy is similar to the method mentioned earlier. If a website has similar pieces it’s probably a good idea to mix the following strategies including the twelve Content Marketing Techniques that work and 5 strategies for Content Marketing to pursue in 2020 as well as Eight Content Marketing Methodologies that are now outdated.

How do these kinds of content clusters develop in the in the first in the first place? They are most likely to occur when content providers operate in silos and do not have the historical context. The team of content can give content ideas. They could also be derived out of the SEO strategy. It doesn’t need to be a factory procedure. In the event that an SEO strategist is able to come up with an idea for a content strategy and has a good idea from their research of the subject, that SEO will be successful to be achieved, everyone in the team including the content creator will gain. It is also possible for SEO experts to share stories and suggestions for content in addition.

Adopt a common method for sending assignments and requests between each other. Utilize a tool that works with the vast majority of users. Content creators can use this tool to delegate requests for research to an expert strategist. Be sure to include the current idea, and also the subject name, as well as any keywords you’re thinking of.

It is also helpful for the strategy to be informed of the intended audience: For who is this content aimed? Some people may be searching for topics related to health, but if your client is interested in fitness, it may not be a suitable choice. Set a deadline keep in mind that not all requests need to be urgent. Think about working in person. Alternately, you can reach us by phone or through a messaging application.

